Consumer Watch – Part 008: Protein Supplementation

I dug around the internet trying to figure out whether protein supplementation was needed for muscle build, or general health.  I put together some of my preliminary results in the file linked below.

Protein supplementation is typically not needed if consuming a balanced diet that already contains high amounts of protein.
If you need to supplement protein, Pea plant protein is probably the best bet to avoid allergy issues, vegetarian issues, and digestion blockage and offer a well rounded blend of amino acids.
After a workout, make sure you are consuming carbohydrates in addition to around 20-25 g of protein. The muscles need the instant boost from the carbs.
0.5 – 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight is good per day for muscle building. No more than 20-50g at a time for maximal absorption

My Protein Analysis (Open Office Calc document)

My Protein Analysis (Microsoft Excel document)